A True One of Kind


White Carrara

About Lady Kindess
Lady Kindness was conceived six years ago, amidst strife and division in our country and in the world, and its execution spanned the years of the COVID pandemic, deepened our wounds. Time may not, but kindness will, heal all wounds! Kindness is boundless and powerful. Lady Kindness offers a rose, symbol of love, to each and every one, but especially to the neglected, the abandoned, the forgotten.
Lady Kindness is designed in Hellenistic grandeur, its floral detail fashioned in art-deco style. It is entirely built of white Carrara marble, weighing nearly 80 tons. It is robotically carved and hand polished. With its Corinthian pedestal, it stands tall at 29.3 feet. It is, to our knowledge, the largest ever robotically carved marble sculpture. To our knowledge, it is also the tallest freestanding marble sculpture in America. It is constructed to brave the Ohio weather and destined to dwell under the firmament.
Having communicated my vision to stone carver Dale Johnson of Sunbury, OH, he molded the model in clay, while portraitist Laura Bush sculpted the face. Subsequently, the team from Garfagnana Innovazione scanned the model, sourced the marble and milled it. It was eventually erected at Cadobaz in November 2023.
The technology of robotic stone carving is relatively new. It was featured in the December 2023 issue of Smithsonian magazine. A breakthrough development, it may supplant manual carving in years to come.

Our Team

The Visionnaire
Dr. Farid Naffah

The Sculptors
Dale Johnson
Laura Bush

The Fabricator
Garfagnana Innovazione

David Harris

Bill Kirila

Barbara Steinbeck
Foundation Trustee &
Event Coordinator

Katelyn Russo
Artistic Adviser

Paul Sykes
Art Show Organizer

Marty Cohen
Music Coordinator